
In the event of theft or burglary, our certificate helps the owner in his dealings with the police and insurance.


Your certificate helps you in your process to file a complaint after the theft of your item: it allows you to easily transmit all the characteristics and information (serial numbers, technical specifications, photographs). These elements are essential for the complaint to be accepted.

How to do :

1. Print your certificate: scan your metal card, from your browser, use the “Print” function.

2. Take the printed version of the certificate to the police station, bring the metal card with you in case you need it.

3. File your complaint.

Your certificate helps you obtain the fairest compensation from your insurer after your watch has been stolen.

The certificate proves to the insurer the value of the item on the market thanks to the expertise carried out by our experts, which simplifies the steps to obtain compensation. Indeed, when you do not have any document proving that you are the owner or / and no document proving the value of the item, the insurer will base itself on the purchase price invoice then will apply a discount for each annuity. .

This principle runs counter to the second-hand market where the value of vintage, collector’s or large-scale items tends to increase over time.

‍Why does the certificate prove the item’s value?

‍The certificate is drawn up by at least two experts.
They jointly attest to the authenticity and the real value of your item.

How to do :

1 – File a complaint online or at the Police Court
2 – Send the theft declaration to your insurer, along with the digital link to your certificate:

The certificate mentions the market value of your item.



The Woltz & Welstein team is on hand to assist you in the event that your item is stolen.

On request, we contact the manufacturer of your item to alert them of the theft of it.

The consequences vary depending on the brand:

Redlisting: the serial number of the item is redlisted. It is declared by the brand as stolen in its own and wholesale network.

Confiscation of the item: When a stolen item appears at one of the network’s official retailers, it is confiscated to be declared to the authorities and can be returned for return to its owner.

How to do :

– Alert the Woltz & Welstein team from the contact form.
– “The serial number is reported to authorized partners, and the owner is alerted if anyone attempts to resell their item.
– Theft is also reported to the manufacturer so that the item can be confiscated if it appears at an official brand retailer or in the wholesale network.